Part 20: Prep: The Bald And The Beautiful: Wrysvengeance
Update 14: The Bald And The Beautiful: Wrysvengeance (Prep)Last time, we did a really boring chapter and got the best Jagen scene in the game. Thankfully this next one is much shorter and less...mind numbing.

...Oh. Well, there we go. Not much to say about that.

This chapter isn't very big. We only have 6 deployment slots for units, and this is the extent of the height of the map. It is a little wide though, but we'll see that when I actually start playing the map.
Oh, and here's Kleine. Haven't seen her since...Prologue 5? I know those stats are scary, but don't worry about it.

Here's my preliminary lineup for this map. Marth is required, Steve will be good against the huge amounts of Knights on this map, Arran is still useful, though I could probably replace him with someone like Warren for more ranged damage or Bord/Cord to use that Hammer we got. Ryan is still demolishing all in his path, and Luke/Catria provide mobility, which is good here for reasons that will become apparent.
I'm also considering maybe Palla instead of Catria, or a reclassed Malicia instead of Steve. Feel free to let me know your opinions.
(Also Marth still has the Bridge Key)
Heading into How's Everyone, we get the usual:

Ooh, this is nice. Ogma's Blade has the Might of a Silver Sword with the 20% Crit boost of a Killing Edge. And it's C rank. Definitely going to have to put it to good use.

Simple, but appreciated.

Eww. No wonder you're so sick, you're just drinking shit you find on the ground.

(blink animation i missed you)

This would be cool if taking Julian into a map filled with knights wasn't suicide.

Steve makes progress towards her next inevitably disappointing level up.

Now for the bulk of this update, talking. Look at all those Support Conversations!

We're in the mountains. Steve is rightfully confused.

Warren's social skills are...lacking.

I just noticed how often Steve says "I see,".

Poor Steve. Forever confused.
Malicia's Steamy Fan Fiction

She's been here for like 3 maps Steve, are you kidding?

I am not making up any of the following dialogue.

What's the reverse of

Well that was...something. Moving on. Quickly.
Arran's Knighthood

"Mr. Knight, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Knightly-Pop?"

This is fraught with "..."s and foreshadowing. I'm sure this won't lead to something heartbreakingly dark and sad.
Sibling Rivalry

Ryan's supports are pretty dull. Steve has no siblings. That's about the most interesting thing you'll get out of this.

The first person to photoshop Ryan, Gordin, and Steve onto that stupid Mt. Rushmore thing on Ocelot's boat in MGS4 gets an imaginary promotion to Thread Co-Chief.

I wonder how different this conversation is if you have a male MU.
Three Box Strategy With Jagen

Well, that was...enlightening.

Next time we'll get back to the gameplay.